A general summary of Slip Ratings for floor laminate products.
Where a Slip Rating is applicable a Slip Rating Certificate can be found in the downloads area on the relevant product pages within this website, but please contact our Sales Offices if you have any questions, or to request more information on: 01753 696977 or 01709 829800, or email: sales@allprint.co.uk
We have put together a handy PDF guide to help you specify media for your floor projects – click the download button below:
PTV’s (Pendulum Test Values) are measured using the equipment shown in the above photo, with slip ratings that range from R9 (worst) to R13 (best).
DIN 51130
All our flooring laminates are currently rated, generally using the DIN 51130:2004-6 standard for shod feet.
Our interpretation of DIN 51130 is that the products are rated between R9 (the lowest) and R13 (the highest).
Floor surfaces classified R9 and R10 are not acceptable in wet, slippery, oily and greasy floor conditions in the UK.
In summary:
- R9 should only be used for dry areas only and is a high risk in wet areas
- R10 rated products are for areas that are kept largely dry
- R11 are for transitional areas that can occasionally be wet and we have a couple of products that meet R11
- R12 are for wet areas or slopes and R13 for very wet areas or slopes and are not locations where we would recommend floor graphics
You need a minimum of R12 and ideally R13 rating for any slopes.
The harmonised European standard EN-13036-4:2011 (similar to BS 7976-2) uses the Pendulum test to assess the floor’s surface properties under both wet and dry conditions.
The Pendulum Test replicates a heel striking the floor, as this causes most slips.
The tested surface is given a value from 0 to 100, with 100 being the most slip resistant. PTV’s (Pendulum Test Values) are on level floors with no slope.
The minimum slip resistance value considered safe for pedestrians is 36 PTV in the worst conditions (wet).
PTV’s can be roughly categorised as follows:
- PTV’s of 0 to 24 are high risk of slip with slip injuries almost certain to happen, slip risk up to 1 in 20 (roughly equivalent to R9)
- PTV’s of 25 to 35 have moderate slip potential and are generally not acceptable to the HSE, slip risk 1 in 100,000 (roughly equivalent to R10)
- PTV’s of 36 plus are low risk with very rare slip injuries, slip risk 1 in 1,000,000 (roughly equivalent to R11 / R12)
- PTV’s of 75 plus extremely low risk with slips very unlikely, slip risk less than 1 in 1,000,000 (roughly equivalent to R13)
DIN 51097
For bare feet, testing is generally carried out against DIN 51097 and then categorised A (worst), B or C (best).
For areas such as swimming pools, bathrooms, showers etc. then a ‘C’ Rating is recommended.
Flooring laminates wear durability – illustrative graph
The graph below shows the wear durability of NU-COAT flooring laminates, FlooR10 M73-P and FlooR11 M77-P based on monthly Pendulum Tests conducted in a real medium/high traffic area, with 8 hours a day, 5 days a week footfall over 13 months:
Do you have any questions about the Slip Ratings of our floor products?
Where a Slip Rating is applicable a Slip Rating Certificate can usually be found in the downloads area on the relevant product pages within this website, but please contact our Sales Offices if you have any questions, or to request more information on: 01753 696977 or 01709 829800, or email: sales@allprint.co.uk